My OS is blocking the app
For Windows 10/11 users read How to Fix “This App Has Been Blocked by Your System Administrator”.
For macOS users read Safely open apps on your Mac and How to Fix “App Is Damaged and Can’t Be Opened”.
My antivirus detect a malware
Wait 1-2 days for the anti-virus databases to be updated or contact the OS or antivirus manufacturer (for Microsoft Security Essentials: Submit a file for malware analysis, for Norton: Norton Submission Portal).
Where can I get the version for Android?
Android version is currently not supported, but you can use OpenNumismat Mobile. Works without internet connection and supports installation as an application.
Ist eine iOS/iPhone/iPad App geplant?
Maybe in the distant future, but you can use OpenNumismat Mobile. Works without internet connection and supports installation as an application.
Ich habe die Demo-Version heruntergeladen. Wo kann ich die Vollversion bekommen?
All version of OpenNumismat is full. You see "demo" as this is the name of the simplest collection supplied with the application.
You can rename the collection file as you like (using your OS) and use it or create a new collection. Also check the available catalogs.
Ich sammle Banknoten, Briefmarken, usw. Kann OpenNumismat für meine Sammlung angepasst werden?
Ja, OpenNumismat kann für jede Art von Sammlung verwendet werden. Nutzer verwenden es für das Sammeln von Postkarten, Autos oder sogar Veilchen. In den Einstellungen müssen dazu manche Felder umbenannt werden.
Wo kann ich vollständige Kataloge für meine Sammlung erhalten?
You can find some catalogs here. But this is not a commercial project and there is no way to keep catalogues up to date.
If you have a completed catalog and are ready to share it with others - send it to opennumismat@gmail.com.
Also you can import coin, stamp or banknote information with images from Colnect online database with more than 175,000 coins. Or coin and medal information with images from ANS collections database with more than 160,000 coins.
If you already have account on Colnect or Numista you can simply import your collection.
Ich benötige einen Katalog mit einem automatischen Update des aktuellen Marktpreis meiner Münzen
OpenNumismat havn't catalogues with market price. This is not a commercial project and there is no way to keep prices up to date. Check out other commercial applications.
Why are there so many fields? Window does not fit on screen
You can disable unused fileds in Settings->Fields.
How can I customize the application for myself? Can I rename some of the fields?
You can disable or rename all fields in Settings->Fields.
Why Market page is disabled?
For enabling Market page change coin status to Pass, Owned, Ordered, Sold, Sale, Bidding, Missing or Duplicate.
Can I enter ranges or characters in the Year, Weight, Diameter, etc. fields?
Yes. Enable Free format for numeric fields in Collection page of Settings.
I add photos of coins, but the Image field is empty
The image field is formed from two photos - obverse and reverse from Design page. The rest of the images can be displayed separately in the coin table or viewed on the image pane.
Can I use different reference for different collections? Can I attach reference to collection?
Yes, menu Reference->Attach current reference.
Importing from Colnect or American Numismatic Society don't work
Please try clearing the import cache from the Settings->Import->Clear cache.
Die Anwendung stürzt ab. Nichts funktioniert. Ich habe den Fehler gefunden
Zuallererst: Keine Panik!
Enable Send error info to author in Settings.
If the problem is important to you, please send a detailed bug report to opennumismat@gmail.com, attach screenshots or the problem file.
Ich habe noch weitere Fragen
Lesen Sie die Bedienungsanleitung oder schreiben sie an opennumismat@gmail.com.